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Athlete Health Services


Although all RSA sport programs minimise the risk of injury through appropriate strength and conditioning practices and technique analysis, unfortunately not all injuries can be prevented. We work closely with RISE Health Group who provide on-site physiotherapy services free of charge for RSA students during school hours.


A physiotherapist is an expert in the assessment and treatment of pain and altered function (strength, flexibility, co-ordination, mobility). RISE Health physiotherapists specialise in treating sport and musculoskeletal injuries which makes them an ideal partner to entrust with the rehabilitation of RSA students. Physiotherapists use a range of techniques to rehabilitate athletes including soft tissue manipulation, supportive taping and strapping, exercise interventions and joint mobilisation.


RISE Health Group routinely provide podiatry services to RSA students on-site. Podiatrists specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders and lower limb problems. Podiatry is very valuable in a sporting context as many musculoskeletal problems and injuries can stem from the feet. Some techniques podiatrists use to reduce injuries and improve performance include joint mobilisation, biomechanical assessments, soft tissue manipulation and trigger point therapy, orthotic interventions and exercise interventions.


Dietetics services are also provided to students regularly by RISE Health Group. Dieticians are experts in nutrition and diet regulation. Educating RSA students on the role of nutrition in sport enables them to better control their body composition, sport performance and recovery. Nutrition fact sheets provided by RISE Health Group are available under the student resources tab of this website.

Sports Psychology

Sport Psychology is an emerging discipline and focuses on improving sport performance from a mental aspect. RISE Health offer sport psychology services to RSA students as required. Some of the methods sport psychologists use to enhance sporting performance and improve mental health include educating students on anxiety management techniques, goal setting, mental imagery, self esteem and time management skills. We see sport psychology as a very valuable service for RSA students because being a talented athlete and wanting to achieve academically requires a huge time commitment and can be very stressful for students. Being able to see a professional may assist in reducing stress and improving student performance both academically and in their sport.

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